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Showing posts from December, 2018


I write this welcome message on the final day of NCSS 2018, in anticipation of the work that lies ahead for those of us with the privilege and responsibility of planning CUFA and NCSS 2019 in Austin, Texas. I first want to thank our fearless CUFA 2018 leaders, Chair Alex Cuenca and Program Chair Chris Busey, who created an uplifting, inspiring and diverse conference that truly illuminated the tremendous amount of scholarship in the field of social studies education. Drawing from Chris' conference vision, Expanding the intellectual contours of social studies education in troubling times , as well as the many program chairs who preceded him, such as my dear friends and colleagues Brooke Blevins and Sarah Shear, we intend to continue highlighting innovations in our field while also considering how to move the field forward in our complex world and current political climate. We will regularly update this unofficial conference website to support CUFA members as they prepare for our Aus...